Henrico Sheriff’s Office
Council Members Present
LaBravia J. Jenkins (Fredericksburg), Chairman
Eric L. Olsen (Stafford County), First Vice Chairman
Patricia T. Watson (Greensville Co./Emporia), Second Vice Chairman
Nancy G. Parr (Chesapeake), Past Chairman
Council District Representatives:
3. Michael N. Herring (Richmond)
6. Donald S. Caldwell (Roanoke City)
7. Shannon L. Taylor (Henrico County)
8. Theo K. Stamos (Arlington County/Falls Church)
9. Christian E. Rehak (Radford)
10. Marc H. Abrams (Winchester)
Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
Joel R. Branscom (Botetourt County)
Michael R. Doucette (Lynchburg)
Nathan R. Green (Williamsburg/James City County)
Holly Smith (Gloucester County)
Gregory D. Underwood (Norfolk)
C. Phillips Ferguson (Suffolk)
William B. Bray (Colonial Heights)
Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County)
James R. Ennis (Prince Edward County)
Ross P. Spicer (Frederick County)
Mason L. Byrd
CASC Staff Present
Jane Sherman Chambers
Shannon M. Weist
Call to Order
Ms. Jenkins called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.
The draft minutes from the September 23, 2015, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council. The minutes were approved as submitted.
Chairman’s Report
Administrator’s Report
Ms. Chambers reported that she has been contacted with the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) asking for sexual violence prosecutor nominees to serve on their PERK backlog workgroup. Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Underwood and Ms. Smith all suggested names. Ms. Chambers said that she would forward the nominations to the OAG. Ms. Chambers also circulated a copy of the new CASC Spanish Language Guide for law enforcement.
Old Business
Executive Program Update
Ms. Weist provided an update on the upcoming Executive Program. So far 90 people have registered, but she expects more now that the election is over. The program will 8.5 hours of CLE, including 1 in Ethics. Two case management vendors have committed at this point. Thursday night there will be an informal group dinner to say goodbye to outgoing members and to welcome the new. Ms. Weist provided information on registration and payment for this event.
Homicide Program and Virginia Criminal Procedure 101 Update
Ms. Chambers reported that the 2015 Homicide Program will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel in Williamsburg from November 16 – 19, 2015. The new Virginia Criminal Procedure 101 class will be offered at the hotel on November 18, 2015, from 9:00 – 4:00 p.m. Registration for both events has been strong.
Skype at Council Meetings
Ms. Watson reported that she and Mr. Evans will present an amendment to the by-laws at the December meeting. Ms. Chambers reminded her that any proposed changes need to be circulated by the Secretary at least 10 days in advance of that meeting.
New Business
Change to CASC Constitution & By-laws
Ms. Chambers advised that proposed changes to Article IV, Section 6 were previously circulated to members more than 10 days in advance of the meeting. Mr. Doucette counted Council members and determined that there were not 2/3 members of Council in attendance to vote on this change. The matter was deferred to the December 3, 2015, meeting.
Vendor Fees at Spring Institute
Ms. Chambers asked members to determine a fee for vendors at the 2016 Spring Institute. Members recommended keeping the fee the same as in 2015.
There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is December 3, 2015, at 2:00 p.m. at the Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia.