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November 3, 2021

Truist Place, Richmond, VA


Council Members Present


Colin D. Stolle (Virginia Beach), Chairman

Nathan R. Green (James City County/Williamsburg), First Vice Chairman

Shannon L. Taylor (Henrico County), Second Vice Chairman

Council District Representatives:

  1. Julia H. Sichol (Westmoreland County)
  2. Megan L. Clark (Prince Edward County)
  3. David L. Ledbetter (Waynesboro)
  4. Charles H. Slemp, III (Wise County)

Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present

Beverly P. Leatherbury (Northampton County)

Susan O. Fierro (Prince George County)

R. E. “Rusty” McGuire (Louisa County)

Heather Hovermale (Winchester)

Colette Wallace McEachin (Richmond)

Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorneys Present

Ramin Fatehi (Norfolk)

CASC Staff Present

Jane Sherman Chambers

VACA Staff Present

Amanda Howie, Administrator

Call to Order

Mr. Stolle called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.


The draft minutes from the September 22, 2021, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council.  The minutes were approved as submitted.

Chairman’s Report


Administrator’s Report

Ms. Chambers reviewed the agenda items:

Old Business

CATF Update

Ms. Chambers reviewed the CATF balance sheet reflecting account activity through September 30, 2021.

2021 Executive Program Update

Ms. Chambers circulated a draft of the Executive Program agenda when she sent out the Council meeting agenda.  She summarized each presentation and reported that thus far 154 people had registered to attend.  CASC will be providing reimbursement for travel, lodging and meals at per diem rates.

“Duties & Responsibilities” Outline Update

Ms. Chambers was happy to report that Ken Lammers has completed 2 out of 3 stages required to fully update and organize the “Duties & Responsibilities of Commonwealth’s Attorneys” outline.  She has forwarded the current draft to committee members to review.  She also offered to put together a Zoom meeting for committee members to discuss the progress of the new outline.  The outline ultimately will be produced in a manual format.  Mr. Lammers expects to have the final stage completed within the near future.

New Business

CASC Budget Requests for FY23

Ms. Chambers reported that she has submitted budget requests to fully coverage salaries of all current CASC staff.  Currently CASC is dependent on grant funding to pay the salaries of 1.5 critical fulltime employees.

Requests for Technical Assistance from CASC Staff Attorneys

Ms. Chambers reminded members that CASC staff attorneys are always available to help with requests for technical assistance.  That being said, she reminded members that, as state employees, CASC staff attorneys may not be asked to give their opinions on matters that are strictly policy-related.

2022 Meeting & Events Calendar

Ms. Chambers circulated via email a draft of the 2022 CASC and VACA Meeting & Events calendar.  She advised that the items that are not yet finalized are highlighted in yellow.

2021 New Officer Training

Ms. Chambers reported that the Compensation Board will host New Officer Training in Richmond from December 8 – 10, 2021.  A hotel has not yet been announced.  Newly-elected Commonwealth’s Attorneys and acting Commonwealth’s Attorneys will be invited.  The Comp Board will provide the training on December 8 and the morning of December 9.  CASC and VACA will provide the training on the afternoon of December 9 and all day December 10.  VACA will host a dinner on the night of December 9.

New Video Conferencing Equipment

Mr. Stolle asked Ms. Chambers to report on new equipment to be purchased for video conferencing.  Ms. Chambers advised that CASC has completed research and a demonstration of new video conferencing equipment for the CASC training room.  CASC will purchase high-quality microphones that will be wall-mounted, along with a camera to be mounted in the ceiling in one corner.  The microphones will provide excellent sound quality to those attending remotely.   The camera can remain static or can be manually controlled.   The only downside is that the wall-mounted microphones cannot amplify the sound for those present in the room, except for two people who can plug in headset microphones.  If better technology becomes available, CASC will upgrade the equipment.


There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 12:28 p.m.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is December 1, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. at The Boar’s Head Inn in Charlottesville.