Council Members Present
Roy F. Evans (Smyth County), Chairman
Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County), First Vice Chairman
Colin D. Stolle (Virginia Beach), Second Vice Chairman
Patricia T. Watson (Greensville Co./Emporia, Past Chairman
Council District Representatives:
1. LaBravia J. Jenkins (Fredericksburg)
2. Nathan R. Green (Williamsburg/James City County)
5. Megan L. Clark (Prince Edward County)
6. David L. Ledbetter (Waynesboro)
10. Marc H. Abrams (Winchester)
Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
Donald S. Caldwell (Roanoke City)
E. M. Wright (Buckingham County)
John L. Mahoney (Caroline County)
Eric L. Olsen (Stafford County)
Beverly P. Leatherbury (Northampton County)
Benjamin M. Hahn (York County/Poquoson)
Anton A. Bell (Hampton)
Gregory D. Underwood (Norfolk)
C. Phillips Ferguson (Suffolk)
Susan O. Fierro (Prince George County)
Tracy Q. Martin (Halifax County)
Marsha L. Garst (Rockingham County/Harrisonburg)
W. Lyle Carver (Amherst County)
Paul R. Walther (Culpeper County)
Shannon L. Taylor (Henrico County)
Christian E. Rehak (Radford)
CASC Staff Present
Jane Sherman Chambers
VACA Staff Present
None. Mr. Doucette was on vacation.
Call to Order
Mr. Evans called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m.
The draft minutes from the April 7, 2019, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council. The minutes were approved as submitted.
Chairman’s Report
Administrator’s Report
Ms. Chambers reviewed the agenda items:
Old Business
CATF Update
Ms. Chambers reviewed the CATF balance sheet reflecting account activity through March 31, 2019. Ms. Chambers clarified that the recent draw on the fund will cover all CASC training expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Richmond Office & Meeting Space Rental Update
Ms. Chambers reported that the lease for rental space is currently being reviewed by the landlord. It has been through review by the attorneys for the Department of General Services. The start date for the lease remains at July 1, 2019.
2019 Spring Institute Recap
Ms. Chambers reported that ultimately 795 people registered to attend the 2019 Spring Institute which was held in Norfolk in April. 92% of the evaluations rated the program Excellent or Good. The latest figures show that the program costs thus far are approximately $316,000, but 26 offices have not yet submitted for reimbursement. The deadline to do so is Friday, May 10, 2019. It is projected that CASC will come in well within budget for this event.
CASC Finance Committee Meeting – May 17, 2019, Lynchburg
CASC will hold a Finance Committee meeting on Friday, May 17, immediately following the VACA Executive Retreat in Lynchburg. The purpose of the meeting will be to review the upcoming CASC budget and to review and update risk management and internal control procedures as required by the Governor.
Meeting with Virginia State Police re: Training
Ms. Chambers reported that she attended a meeting with the Virginia State Police (VSP) about training concerns expressed by prosecutors. Ms. Chambers was accompanied by Cathy Black, Mike Huberman and Jill Deegan. Lt. Col. Tracy Russillo and Lt. Col. Matt Hanley represented the VSP. The meeting was very cordial and productive. Ms. Chambers encouraged VSP attendance at CASC training programs and offered to provide training assistance at VSP programing. Mr. Mahoney suggested attending their trainings first. Ms. Chambers believes that this will be part of an ongoing discussion. Mr. Hahn expressed interest in attending future meetings. There was brief discussion about VSP camera footage storage practices and the shelving of VSP body worn cameras due to the 2019 body worn camera budget language.
New Business
Staff Attorney Update
Ms. Chambers reminded members that Jake Lambert has started work as CASC’s first fulltime Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor. She also reported that Nancy Oglesby has been hired as CASC’s fulltime Violence Against Women Resource Prosecutor/J&DR Resource Prosecutor.
Request from DCJS to Help Sponsor Bryan Stephenson Presentation
Ms. Chambers reported that she received an email from Shannon Dion at the Department of Criminal Justice Services asking if CASC would be interested in helping to sponsor a presentation by Bryan Stephenson. She envisioned this being a keynote presentation in a day-long event. After discussion about Mr. Stephenson’s message and speaking fee, Mr. Ledbetter made a motion to respond to Ms. Dion that CASC is interested in participating in putting on this event, but will need more details. Ms. Jenkins seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Request from Appalachian State to Participate in a Survey
Ms. Chambers reported that she received a request from Appalachian State for an email list of all Commonwealth’s Attorneys so they can be sent a survey about child pornography prosecutions. Members recommended that the survey be sent to Ms. Chambers for distribution. Participation must be optional.
CASC Staffing Needs
Ms. Chambers advised members that with so many new assistants being hired in the near future, CASC will need additional staff. Staff members already are stretched to the limit with all new the programing being offered by CASC. Mr. Stolle and Ms. Taylor, co-chairs of the VACA Compensation Committee, asked that Ms. Chambers email them the specific request.
2019 CASC Appellate and Legislative Update for Law Enforcement
Ms. Chambers advised that the CASC 2019 legal update to be used at law enforcement trainings will be finished and distributed by mid-June.
Public Comment
There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is June 12, 2019, 12:00 noon, at the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office Conference Room.