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June 7, 2023

Richmond, VA

Council Members Present

Shannon L. Taylor (Henrico County), Chairman
Anton A. Bell (Hampton), First Vice Chairman (Zoom: Approved for remote attendance)
Bryan L. Porter (Alexandria), Second Vice Chairman
Julia H. Sichol (Westmoreland Co.), Secretary (Zoom: Approved for remote attendance)
Nathan R. Green (James City County/Williamsburg), Past Chairman

Council District Representatives:
1. Krystyn L. Reid (York County)(Zoom: Approved for remote attendance)
4. Vincent L. Robertson (Sussex County)
8. Bryan L. Porter (Alexandria)
9. Michael D. Jones (Wythe County)
10. Amy M. Ashworth (Prince William Co.)(Zoom: Approved for remote attendance)

Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
Donald S. Caldwell (Roanoke City)
Jeff Haislip (Fluvanna County)
Colin Stolle (Virginia Beach)(Zoom)
Meredith D. Adkins (King & Queen County)(Zoom)
Jane Wrightson (Northumberland County)(Zoom)
Georgette C. Phillips (Isle of Wight) (Zoom)
Ramin Fatehi (Norfolk) (Zoom)
Derek A. Davis (Surry County) (Zoom)
Susan O. Fierro (Prince George County)(Zoom)
Megan L. Clark (Prince Edward County)(Zoom)
John Alexander (Botetourt County) (Zoom)
Eric L. Olsen (Stafford County)
Christian E. Rehak (Radford)
M. Andrew Nester (Henry County)(Zoom)
Gerald D. Arrington (Buchanan County)(Zoom)
Stacey T. Davenport (Chesterfield County)
Wendy Hannah (Cumberland County)(Zoom)
Leanne Watrous (Nottoway County)(Zoom)

CASC Staff Present
Jane Sherman Chambers
Tracey DeBord

VACA Staff Present
Amanda Howie, Administrator

Call to Order
Ms. Taylor called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m.

The draft minutes from the May 3, 2023, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council. The minutes were approved as submitted.

Chairman’s Report

Administrator’s Report
Ms. Chambers reported that on Friday she met with the new Secretary of Public Safety & Homeland Security, Terry Cole. He is a former DEA special agent and will focus heavily, at least initially, on the opioid crisis. He already has agreed to be the keynote speaker at the 2023 Top Gun banquet. Ms. Chambers then reviewed the agenda items:

Old Business

CATF Update
Ms. Chambers reported that CASC has not yet received the most recent CATF balance sheet, but that she will forward it to members upon receipt.

2023 Spring Institute ~ Final Expense Report
Ms. DeBord reported that the final cost of the 2023 Spring Institute was $407,539. This figure includes all CASC costs, including all hotel, AV, faculty, staff, and attendee reimbursement. She also reported that 92 offices sought reimbursement this year. Ms. Chambers emphasized how important it is for offices to submit for reimbursement by the required deadline. CASC is approaching the end of the fiscal year and all expenditures must be finalized. Additionally, all offices submitting should be in the pool for selection for the random audit.

2023 Spring Institute Reimbursement ~ Random Audit Report
Ms. DeBord reported that she uses the Excel random select function to identify 10% of reimbursement recipients for random audit. This year 9 offices were selected and each completed their audit successfully and without incident. Mr. Davis complimented Ms. DeBord for making the audit process smooth and painless.

2023 Summer Conference Training Agenda
Ms. Chambers circulated the Annual Summer Conference training agenda to members. She reported that Clai Richardson has offered to fill in for Eric Olsen on the panel discussing the new ‘diminished capacity’ statute.

CASC Finance Committee Meeting Reminder
Ms. Chambers reminded members that the CASC Finance Committee meeting will immediately follow the Board meeting. Finance Committee members are all officers, plus Mr. Haislip, Mr. Caldwell and E.M. Wright.

Curriculum Retreat Reminder
Ms. Chambers reminded attendees that the CASC Curriculum Committee will meet on September 7 – 8, 2023, in the Richmond training room. She encouraged everyone to fill out the training survey that is sent out annually by Mr. Casey. The committee relies heavily on those results in developing upcoming training agendas and priorities.

New Business

2023 CASC Legal Update for Law Enforcement
Ms. Chambers reported that CASC has completed the 2023 Appellate Update for Law Enforcement and the 2023 Legislative Update for Law Enforcement. She attached both the PowerPoint presentations and the Master Lists to the meeting agenda. They also will be available on the DCJS website.

2023 CASC Faculty Awards
Ms. Chambers circulated the criteria for CASC faculty awards. She asked for attendees to submit nominations to her as soon as possible.

Zoom Attendance
Ms. Taylor reminded everyone on Council that they need to comply with the new policy on remote meeting attendance. It was suggested that any Council member wanting to attend via Zoom to identify which of the 4 permitted reasons they were seeking to utilize. It typically will be the “60 mile” provision.

There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 3, 2023, at 3:00 at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront Marriott.