Compensation Board Conference Room, Richmond
Council Members Present
Michael R. Doucette (Lynchburg), Chairman
Raymond F. Morrogh (Fairfax County), First Vice Chairman
Nancy G. Parr (Chesapeake), Second Vice Chairman
LaBravia J. Jenkins (Fredericksburg), Secretary
David N. Grimes (Pittsylvania), Past Chairman
Council District Representatives:
1. LaBravia J. Jenkins (Fredericksburg)
2. Harvey L. Bryant, III (Virginia Beach)
4. Nancy G. Parr (Chesapeake)
6. Donald S. Caldwell (Roanoke City)
9. Christian E. Rehak (Radford)
11. Raymond F. Morrogh (Fairfax County)
Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
Paul B. Ebert (Prince William County)
Nathan R. Green (Williamsburg/James City County)
Eric L. Olsen (Stafford County)
Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County)
James R. Ennis (Prince Edward County)
William F. Neely (Spotsylvania County)
Theo K. Stamos (Arlington/Falls Church)
Nathan H. Lyons (Carroll County)
James E. Plowman (Loudoun County)
E.M. Wright (Buckingham County)
CASC Staff Present
Robert Q. Harris
Jane Sherman Chambers
Call to Order
Mr. Doucette called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m.
The draft minutes from the December 6, 2012, and January 21, 2013, meeting were previously posted and circulated to Council. The minutes were approved as submitted, with one amendment to indicate that Ms. Stamos was in attendance at the December 6, 2012, meeting.
Chairman’s Report
Mr. Doucette raised the topic of video conferencing for CASC meetings. Mr. Harris said he would check into it to see if it would satisfy Council’s sunshine laws requirements. He stated that there would be no problem with VACA Board meetings being held remotely.
Administrator’s Report
Spring Institute Update:
Ms. Chambers reported that 598 people have registered for Spring Institute. Mr. Harris reported that he and Ms. Chambers did a site visit at the Marriott Hotel on Tuesday, February 12, 2013.
Vendors at 2013 Spring Institute and Annual Summer Conference:
Mr. Harris reported that case management vendors have expressed interest in exhibiting at Spring Institute. Ms. Chambers reported that CASC charged $750 per table last year. CASC uses this money to help pay for beverage breaks and AV expenses for the training. Mr. Grimes made a motion to invite case management vendors to 2013 Spring Institute for $1000 per table, to include an opportunity to give a brief presentation on Monday evening, March 25, 2013. Seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Attendee questions:
Mr. Harris reminded members that attorneys from the Office of the Attorney General and Legislative Services are invited to attend Spring Institute. They are required to pay the standard $50 registration fee. Mr. Harris asked if there was any objection to extending this invitation to interested city/county attorneys who prosecute misdemeanors and local code violations. Members agreed to extend invitations to include fulltime city/county attorneys upon request.
Case management system updates:
Mr. Ennis reported on progress negotiating with case management vendors. He specifically addressed the software costs and installation/ maintenance fees being offered. He also explained the option to lease, rather than purchase, software licenses. Mr. Haislip noted that data conversion is another issue entirely. The costs are high and conversion is very complicated, but it can be considered an optional feature. Mr. Doucette said that these issues should be discussed at the much larger meeting at Spring Institute Mr. Doucette made a motion that offices interested in pooling together to negotiate a package price notify Mr. Ennis by May 1, 2013, and that CASC notify case management vendors that we will need their best price by July 1, 2013. Mr. Doucette explained that this schedule will allow decisions to be made at the meeting on August 1, 2013, at the Annual Summer Conference. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Update on legislation impacting CASC:
Mr. Harris reported that CASC is still in the budget. He also reported on the status of the bill requiring CASC to provide legislative update training to law enforcement and the bill involving a FOIA exemption for CASC training materials.
Old Business
New Business
There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is March 24, 2013, 1:00 p.m., at the Richmond (Downtown) Marriott.