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August 8, 2021

Oceanfront Marriott, Virginia Beach


Council Members Present


Colin D. Stolle (Virginia Beach), Chairman

Nathan R. Green (James City County/Williamsburg), First Vice Chairman

Anton A. Bell (Hampton), Secretary

Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County), Past Chairman


Council District Representatives:

  1. Julia H. Sichol (Westmoreland County)
  2. Georgette C. Phillips (Isle of Wight)
  3. A. Gray Collins, III (Colonial Heights)
  4. David L. Ledbetter (Waynesboro)
  5. Travis D. Bird (Spotsylvania County)
  6. Charles H. Slemp, III (Wise County)
  7. Amy M. Ashworth (Prince William County)


Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present

Nancy G. Parr (Chesapeake)

John L. Mahoney (Caroline County)

Beverly P. Leatherbury (Northampton County)

Tracy Q. Martin (Halifax County)

Bryan Haskins (Pittsylvania County)

Parisa Dehghani-Tafti (Arlington County/Falls Church)

Christian E. Rehak (Radford)

Anne M. Williams (Clarke County)

Heather Hovermale (Winchester)

Leanne Watrous (Nottoway County)

Patricia Watson (Emporia/Greensville County)

Stacey Davenport (Chesterfield County)

Bethany Harrison (Lynchburg)

Clarissa Berry (Madison County)

Buta Biberaj (Loudoun County)

Lyle Carver (Amherst County)


Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorneys Present

Travis Owens (Culpeper County)

Marie Walls (Suffolk)



CASC Staff Present

Jane Sherman Chambers

Tracey DeBord


VACA Staff Present

Amanda Howie, Administrator

Molly Brown, Accountant


Call to Order

Mr. Stolle called the meeting to order at 8:42 a.m..



The draft minutes from the August 5, 2021, meeting have not been prepared and will be submitted for approval at the September 22, 2021, Council meeting.


Chairman’s Report

Mr. Stolle thanked Council and VACA staff for a very successful Annual Summer Conference.


Administrator’s Report

Ms. Chambers thanked her staff, VACA staff, the hotel staff, the AV team and the wonderful volunteers who taught at the Annual Summer Conference.  The conference went very well and it was truly a team effort.


Ms. Chambers also reviewed the agenda items:


Old Business


2021 Annual Summer Conference Wrap Up

Ms. Chambers reported that the Annual Summer Conference went very well.  She asked members to pick up extra program binders as they leave.  The MCLE form will be sent out once it is received from the Virginia State Bar.  Ms. Chambers asked members how they feel about having live classes on Saturday afternoon after the morning Supreme Court Update.   After discussion, the recommendation is to offer at least one Saturday afternoon breakout room for video replays, as well as one for video replays on Sunday morning.  This will allow the hotel staff more time on Saturday afternoon to flip the ballroom for the Saturday night VACA banquet and band.  It also will make things easier for the AV team.


2021 CASC Curriculum Retreat Update

Ms. Chambers reported that this year the Curriculum Committee will meet in the CASC office in Richmond from September 1 – 2, 2021.  A block of rooms has been reserved at the Omni Hotel.  Mr. Casey has sent out a Curriculum Survey, the results of which will be used at the retreat.


CASC Audit Update

Ms. Chambers reported that CASC’s routine audit has been completed and she thanked Ms. DeBord for all her hard work during this process.  Ms. DeBord reported on the final results of the audit.


2024 Spring Institute Venue Update

Ms. Chambers reminded members that they voted to go back to Norfolk for the 2024 Spring Institute.  Spring Institute 2022 will be at the Richmond Convention Center with several hotels being used for lodging.  If that format works well, Council will consider doing it again in 2025.   Ms. Chambers reported that the Norfolk Waterside Marriott was the only hotel to bid for 2024, so the contract has been awarded to them.  Ms. Chambers is waiting for them to send a draft contract. To recap, the Spring Institute schedule is as follows:  2022 is in Richmond, 2023 and 2024 are in Norfolk, 2025 will be decided after determining if the Richmond Convention Center format is successful.


New Business


CASC Staff Attorney Vacancy

Ms. Chambers reported that CASC has a staff attorney vacancy that was created when Jake Lambert left to take a position with the Crime Commission.  The application deadline was Friday, August 6, 2021.  She anticipates that interviews will be held later this week or early next week.


CASC Finance Committee Meeting

Ms. Chambers reminded CASC Finance Committee members that a meeting needs to be scheduled to address Mr. Caldwell’s suggestion to have the CATF fund Westlaw/Lexis-Nexis licenses for Commonwealth’s Attorneys statewide.  Other possible long-term uses of the funds will also be on the agenda, along with the annual budget.  Ms. Chambers will contact committee members to set up a date and time to meet.


Public Comment




There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:07 a.m.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is September 22, 12:00 noon, at the CASC offices at the SunTrust Building, 919 E. Main Street, Suite 1250, Richmond.