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August 5, 2018

Virginia Beach Sheraton Oceanfront Hotel

Council Members Present
Roy F. Evans (Smyth County), Chairman
Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County), First Vice Chairman
James E. Plowman (Loudoun County), Second Vice Chairman
Theo K. Stamos (Arlington County/Falls Church), Secretary
Patricia T. Watson (Greensville Co./Emporia, Past Chairman

Council District Representatives:

1.   LaBravia J. Jenkins (Fredericksburg)
2.   Nathan R. Green (Williamsburg/James City County)
3.   Georgette C. Phillips (Isle of Wight)
6.   David L. Ledbetter (Waynesboro)
9.   Charles H. Slemp, III (Wise County)
10. Marc H. Abrams (Winchester)
11.  Raymond F. Morrogh (Fairfax County)

Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
Paul B. Ebert (Prince William County)
E. M. Wright (Buckingham County)
John L. Mahoney (Caroline County)
Colin D. Stolle (Virginia Beach)
Susan O. Fierro (Prince George County)
Darrel W. Puckett (Appomattox County)
W. Lyle Carver (Amherst County)
Theresa J. Royall (Nottoway County)
Shannon L. Taylor (Henrico County)
Gerald D. Arrington (Buchanan County)
Christian E. Rehak (Radford)
Anne M. Williams (Clarke County)
Ross P. Spicer (Frederick County)

Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorneys Present
Vaughn Breedlove (Suffolk)
Marie Walls (Suffolk)

CASC Staff Present
Jane Sherman Chambers

VACA Staff Present
Michael R. Doucette, Executive Director

Call to Order
Mr. Evans called the meeting to order at 8:41 a.m.

The draft minutes from the August 2, 2018, meeting were not yet available.  They will be available for approval at the September 25, 2018, Council meeting.

Chairman’s Report
Mr. Evans expressed his appreciation for an excellent conference, specifically noting the efforts put into the event by the team from Virginia Beach.

Administrator’s Report
Ms. Chambers reviewed the agenda items:

Old Business

CASC Curriculum Retreat
Ms. Chambers reported that the 2018 CASC Curriculum Retreat will be held on September 13 – 14 at the Berry Hill Resort & Conference Center in South Boston.  The committee will develop the agendas for the 2018 Executive Program, the 2019 Spring Institute and the 2019 Summer Conference.   Ms. Chambers asked everyone to respond to the curriculum survey sent out by Mr. Casey.  She also welcomes emails with training suggestions.

CASC Staff Retreat
Ms. Chambers reported that because CASC now has 3 telecommuting staff attorneys, her office staff has begun to hold a retreat once a year.  This allows CASC staff to focus on planning upcoming events and to collaboratively engage in long-term agency planning.  This year the retreat will be held in Fauquier County.

2020 Executive Program
Ms. Chambers reported that she currently is working to finalize a contract with the Hotel Roanoke for the 2020 Executive Program.  It will be held from December 2 – 4, 2020.

New Business

Travel Vouchers
Ms. Chambers provided Council members with CASC travel vouchers.

Board & Council Meeting and Events Schedule
Ms. Chambers circulated to all Commonwealth’s Attorneys the Council & Board event schedule that runs from August 2018 to August 2019.

Elections for Vacancies on CASC Ethics Committee and By-laws Committee
Ms. Chambers reported that the members of the Council Committee on Prosecutorial Ethics were up for reappointment.  One member was no longer eligible to serve and Mr. Ledbetter was nominated to fill that vacancy.  A motion was made to reappoint existing members, along with Mr. Ledbetter.   The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.   Ms. Phillips was nominated to serve on the By-laws Committee.  She was unanimously approved.

Public Comment


There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is September 25, 12:00 noon, at the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office Conference Room.