Virginia Beach Sheraton Oceanfront
Council Members Present
Roy F. Evans (Smyth County), Chairman
Jeffrey W. Haislip (Fluvanna County), First Vice Chairman
Colin D. Stolle (Virginia Beach), Second Vice Chairman
Patricia T. Watson (Greensville Co./Emporia, Past Chairman
Jane S. Chambers (Administrator/Treasurer)
Council District Representatives:
10. Marc H. Abrams (Winchester)
Other Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Present
Paul B. Ebert (Prince William County)
John L. Mahoney (Caroline County)
Beverly P. Leatherbury (Northampton County)
Susan O. Fierro (Prince George County)
Tracy Q. Martin (Halifax County)
R. Bryan Haskins (Pittsylvania County)
W. Lyle Carver (Amherst County)
Paul R. Walther (Culpeper County)
Chris Rehak (Radford)
Clarissa Berry (Madison County)
John Alexander (Botetourt County)
Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorneys Present
Marie Walls (Suffolk)
CASC Staff Present
Jane Sherman Chambers
VACA Staff Present
Michael R. Doucette, Executive Director
Call to Order
Mr. Evans called the meeting to order at 8:46 AM.
The draft minutes from the August 1, 2019, meeting will be submitted at the next Council meeting on September 25, 2019, at the Henrico Sheriff’s Office.
Chairman’s Report
Mr. Evans thanked Mr. Stolle and the Virginia Beach Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office for hosting an excellent conference.
Administrator’s Report
Ms. Chambers reviewed the agenda items:
Old Business
Curriculum Committee Retreat Reminder
Ms. Chambers reminded members that the CASC Curriculum Retreat will be held at the Berry Hill Resort & Conference Center from September 13 – 14, 2019. She encouraged everyone to fill out the curriculum topic survey that has been sent out by Mr. Casey. He will send it out again as a reminder.
New Business
Board & Council Meeting and Events Schedule
Ms. Chambers circulated a copy of a draft schedule for 2019 – 2020 meetings and events.
Council Meeting Date for June 2020
The only date that was to be determined was the June Council meeting. It was agreed that June 3, 2020, would be the best date because of school schedules. Otherwise, the proposed schedule was approved without comment.
National Association of Prosecutor Coordinators (NAPC) Update
Ms. Chambers advised that as current president of NAPC, she serves on the board of the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA). This will require her to attend their fall and spring meetings. She also reported that NAPC is working on updating their national list of recommended trainers and presenters.
Public Comment
There being no further business before Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:54 AM. The next regularly scheduled meeting is September 25, 2019, 12:00 noon, at the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office Conference Room.